Announcing Texihabara…

After my post yesterday, I decided to do something different that wasn’t related to blogging or angst. I got the “not related to blogging” part done. I ate some food, played on my phone and the computer, and just basically had about as restful a day as I’m capable of.

This morning I think I figured out what to do.

So here is the direction of this blog moving forward.

As for this blog, it will continue in the same direction it has been. A personal blog with a Japanese emphasis. I will still be moving my “social justice” posts elsewhere and possibly even moving it and redesigning it, but the direction is going to stay the same. What you have been getting, you will get. It’s done.

But I opened a new site, this morning (for technical reasons, it may be difficult to access for a while – that will clear up). This site will be dedicated to the kind of otaku and weeb discussions that people who are otaku and weeb really like about these kinds of sites, with a bit of a Texas flair. It will be staying positive, and if I feel like going off on a tangent, I’ll do it here. I don’t have much content on it yet, but I will be adding it slowly.

See, I have an advantage. While I am familiar with some J-Pop and J-Metal, I’m relatively a virgin to most of it. I don’t know much about music, manga, anime, or anything. Just a few things here and there. So I get to discover it, experience it, review it (and the reviews will always be honest), and just generally nerd out a bit. So this puts me in a unique position to actually add interesting content that people might actually like, and also discuss current idol and otaku news, etc.

Is this an obsession of mine? No. Not at all. I have maintained repeatedly that I am neither an otaku nor a weeb, and I will continue to maintain that. I’m not the hugest fan of any of the things that I’m going to discuss on the new blog. But I also think that Japanese media is entertaining, funny, and all sorts of things that I think translate well into this kind of site. And there are enough otaku and weeb out there that I think I can create a thriving community, and maybe help to keep some of the obsessiveness in check. Maybe.

So that’s what I’m going to do.

I’ve tied the site into wordpress, so you can fell free to follow if you want, and I’ve also turned on creation of subscriber accounts (for now). The commenting system is different, everything’s different and far more polished. If I’m lucky, there will be growing pains, and we’ll just deal with those as they come.

So it has been written, so it shall be done.

I still plan on going back through this blog and cleaning things up a bit. It needs some TLC. But I’m just not going to fret about it anymore. I guess this blog is going to be what it is, and oh well.

Thanks for reading!

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