DOGE: Very Save, Much Wow

As I stated in previous posts, i was happy when Trump was elected and inaugurated, mostly because he wasn’t Biden. I mean, I did expect good things out of him, but for the most part, he was a warm body that was maybe going to kick a couple of asses, take a few names, but mostly just, well, be Trump.

I quite seriously did not expect what we’ve been getting, and I’m here for it. All of it.

i was born in the Ford administration, and I have never seen anything like this. not from Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, other Bush, Obama, or Biden. In fact, I think you might have to go back to Thomas Jefferson to find anything even coming close to matching what we’re seeing now. This is beyond historic, this is nearly unprecedented. This is founding father shit, right here. This is amazing.

I don’t trust Elon Musk at all. But I do view him as serving a very important role in this time in history, and that is what he’s here for. And holy crap, is he delivering. He appears to exist in order to take a wrecking ball to the establishment, and he’s doing it with the full support and enablement of Trump, who is waving his arms around like a conductor and throwing Musk at pretty much everything. And it is a sight to behold. Just tonight, he found something like 1.2 billion dollars that the previous administration literally forgot about, and the other day he found like 20 billion dollars that was sent to a bank for distribution to a few nonprofits. And the hits just keep coming.

Trump and Musk are moving so fast that the liberal establishment doesn’t even have time to figure out what their attacks should be – every time they come up with something, Trump and Musk have uncovered another festering pile of dogshit. And I don’t even think they’ve scratched the surface. This is going to go on for months, if not years. And with any luck, what’s going to come out of this is going to be, pretty much literally, a golden age for America. i know that phrase is tossed around a lot, and it’s often hyperbole, but right now, it’s not. If the other politicians can keep from screwing this up, the next few years are going to be amazing.

And, with any hope, we are witnessing the beginning of the utter destruction (or at least relegation to irrelevancy) of the Democratic Party in its current form. They’ll go down swinging, but I have no reason to think they won’t go down, and hard. In ten years, with any luck, they’re have gone the way of the dodo. Or the Whig party, anyway. And hopefully what replaces them is, at least sane. And, while I wish the best for the skittle-haired freaks who tried to take over the country, i hope we never hear from them again. Ever.

I hope I’m around to see most of the golden age that follows.

I thought Biden was bad, but now I see how truly bad he was, and it’s… i don’t have a word to describe it. He was an utter embarrassment and I hope history is not kind to him. I suspect it won’t be.

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