American Gaijin

  • Abe Shinzo: Why Gun Control Fails

    Today (or yesterday, depending), Abe Shinzo was assassinated.  Abe Shinzo, for those who don’t know, was a fairly beloved prime minister of Japan for quite a long time.  To be honest, that, apart from his name, is the only thing I know about him, so I’ll leave memorialization and mourning for those who knew him…

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  • The Ignorance of Leftists

    And I really do think it’s deliberate. I’m going to be talking about some rather (comparatively) deep topics regarding the United States, what it is, and how the constitution works.  If you’re not interested, please skip.  If you are, read on, you might find it interesting.  Unless you’re a leftist.  Then you’ll probably put your…

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  • Why I Will Not Date Selfish American Women

    I am a man (though who knows what that means anymore).  I am in my mid 40s.  I live in America.  I haven’t dated in ten years.  And I will never date an American woman again. And this whole recent kerfluffle about Roe vs. Wade just solidifies why. So, before I start, let me say…

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  • Parasocial

    The word of the day is “parasocial”.  I don’t know if I’ll continue to have a “word of the day”, but there’s one for today.  I decree it. YouTube comments are a cesspool. I think the reason for this is, about 95% of the time, they fit into two molds.  Needlessly critical, or annoyingly fawning. …

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  • Roe vs. Wade: Living by the Courts

    So, how could I not write about the biggest news to come out of US politics today.  For my international readers (of which probably all of you are), Roe vs. Wade was a ruling written in 1973 by the Supreme Court of the time that basically said that there is a constitutional right to abortions…

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  • Gay Marriage: Serving Death

    How’s that for a provocative title?  Well, hear me out.  I’m probably not quite going where you think I am. So this topic was brought to mind by the fact that a court in Japan has spoken out against gay marriage.  Gay marriage, of course, being defined as a legal and/or spiritual union between two men…

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  • I Deleted Facebook

    I deleted Facebook today. I’ve been on Facebook for 15 years now – I first got on it in 2007.  It’s been a huge part of my life for that entire time.  And it’s generally been nothing but a drain on my mental health. The final tipping point was a direct result of my violating…

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  • An Intolerable Situation

    I don’t have a title for this blog yet.  So I’m going to write it and then title it as the last thing I do before posting.  If I can remember. I mentioned in my last post that this whole war situation is particularly stressful for me.  It is difficult because I was programmed as…

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  • Just Talking about Stuff

    So I’ve had a lot of stuff going on lately, and thought I’d just talk about whatever I feel like talking about. I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately.  I’m not really interested in going into the ins and outs of the war in Ukraine.  quite frankly, it’s boring.  Is it a terrible…

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  • Why Christians Annoy the Snot out of me

    Earlier, I wrote a post about why I won’t debate with atheists.  Read the post if you want to know why, or don’t.  I stand by it. But recently, I’ve begun to feel the same way about talking to Christians about theology. A few days ago, I had an interaction with some Christians.  Let me…

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