American Gaijin

  • Confessions of a Serial Failure

    This post may not be the best one I’ve ever written.  It won’t be the greatest, won’t get a hundred thousand views, hell, won’t get a hundred.  But it’s probably going to be the one that is the most personally impactful to me, because I finally understand something about me that I didn’t before.  And…

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  • Being Human

    Some weeks, months, years, are more difficult than others. The last couple of weeks have been more difficult than most.  I will not go into deep detail, as that is not necessary.  I will simply say that the feelings of isolation and alienation became acute to the point of overwhelming, and I have realized that…

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  • Alien (Gaijin)

    There have been, and are, several reasons for this site.  But I think ultimately the reason I created and still write in this site is to help me work out stuff by writing, and I just so happen to do it publicly sometimes.  I need to do that now.  So, here we go. If I…

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  • Not Suffering Fools Gladly

    There is something about me that I have not exactly kept hidden, but I’ve kind of downplayed it.  Whenever I say this out loud, I tend to try to soften it.  I will say something like “present company excepted”, or “but I don’t mean YOU”, or any similar words that are intended to soften what…

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  • Project News

    I think now would be a good time to talk about all of the different projects I’m doing, Japanese or no, and their status. First off, Texihabara.  I believe I will be converting that to an entirely Japanese language site.  I haven’t quite figured out what the topic might be – I might convert the…

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  • Seeking a Voice

    I have tried to write several posts over the past week, and have failed with each one  What I wanted to say wasn’t working. I also was listening to a few lectures by Leonard Nimoy.  He had some very interesting things to say about his acting career, and one that struck me was something he…

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  • The Utter Implosion of the Democratic Party

    I want to write a post tonight, a semi-venty post, about American politics.  I don’t intend to write a “social justice” post, though politics and that topic are so intermixed right now, I won’t be able to entirely avoid the topic.  If you have no interest in US politics, or my thoughts on US politics,…

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  • Introducing Lily, and Reconnection

    I have decided, to hell with it, and I am going to tell you where to find my latest project, because it’s kind of important.  So you can find it at My project is a virtual character named Lily.  She is a sixteen year old girl who has no memory past a year ago,…

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  • Reconfiguration

    I haven’t posted here for a while.  I tried once, and I just couldn’t.  So instead, I’ll just post a bit of an update on how I’m doing, for those who might care, and we’ll just go from there. I’ve had some tooth problems for quite a while, since before COVID.  Truth is, I hate…

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  • Why Science Fiction Sucks

    I have written previously about why I like science fiction.  Now let me tell you why it sucks.  And how that relates to our current political situation. I’ve always been a fan of science fiction.  I enjoy thinking about speculative technology, and like nothing more than learning about a new and heretofore unknown physical principle…

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