American Gaijin

  • Daria

    A long time ago, there used to be an animated series on TV called “Daria”.  I remember when I first saw it, near when it first came out.  I couldn’t watch it.  I even got a little sick after watching it.  Maybe I was coming down with something, but maybe not.  I dunno.  It really…

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  • Interstitial

    I find myself in the unusual position of not knowing what to write about. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I can find plenty of things to write about, on one level.  I have several topics that I could write on.  In fact, I just discarded a post that I thought might be a bit too… …

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  • Underneath

    There is a specific genre of Sci-Fi I’ve always liked. I’ve never really liked the fantasy type where fair knights wander around on knightly errantry.  I’ve never really liked the type where someone is trying to make a social point or extrapolate the future – though those types are really impactful in their own way.…

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  • The Breast Post Ever

    So WordPress tells me I’m on a 28 day streak of posting to this blog.  Yay me.  I don’t think I’m going to break that streak today.  But there’s nothing that’s really pressing on my mind.  So I thought this time I’d make a mindless post. I’m going to post about breasts.  Why not? Oh,…

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  • To Fix the World

    This is going to be one of those posts that I’m going to look back on, and think “that was a pretty good post”.  And then I’m going to regret it utterly. Today, I had a bad experience at work.  My team has just been merged with another team, and both of our different teams…

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  • What I Musically Love about Japanese Music

    I may be able to extract a post for Texihabara on this subject from this, but I kind of want to be a little freer here. There is something about Japanese music that fascinates me.  Well, several things, really. Babymetal has a song, “Da da dance”.  It’s an extraordinarily high energy song with lots of flaily…

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  • Otaku Introspection

    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, lately.  Big news, right?  I mean, I never do that!  Usually I just careen…  ah well.  Sarcasm is lost in this medium. Anyway, I’ve been thinking.  I sure do care far too much about how I’m perceived in some ways, don’t I?  And mostly, even how I’m perceived…

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  • My Experience Commissioning an Custom Anime Figure

    So as y’all may know, I’m currently working on another site called Texihabara.  It’s kinda lame right now, but I’m actually really pleased with the framework I’ve built, I think I can add to it to make it something special.  I just have to figure out what “special” means. However, I decided it needed a mascot. …

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  • The Terrorists Won, in 2001

    Today, Sept 11, 2021, marks the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorists attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center in New York and killed about 3,000 or so people.  I’m not going to recount my experience of the event, because frankly, I didn’t really have one.  I was about 600 miles away at the time…

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  • I’m Tired of Tears

    Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.  And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud…

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