American Gaijin

  • Morning Musume, and the “Sealing” of Babymetal

    So, today, I have been working on adding further reviews to Texihabara. There’s a bit of a technical issue I have to iron out where not all of the reviews are accessible, but I suppose that’s something that I can iron out with a bit of support and elbow grease. Anyway, the two songs I…

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  • Finally, Some Good Personal News

    Hey y’all, I’m gonna share some good news. About three months ago, I posted that I got some bad medical news. I didn’t say what it was because it’s not really something I felt worth sharing. But it really did a number on my mood, as bad medical news tends to. I have other issues…

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  • Transparency: How is This Blog Doing?

    I’m on a bit of a posting tear today. I thought to myself, “Self, why don’t you share some of the pertinent statistics about this blog, so that people can now how great or pathetic it is?” I thought, “Self, that’s a great idea”. Even though it probably isn’t. So this post is going to…

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  • Furusato

    In my continuing quest to make a comprehensive website of JPop reviews that no one wants to visit, I spent a little time last night reviewing a few more Morning Musume songs. I reviewed Memory Seishun no Hikari, Manatsu no Kousen, and Furusato. So the honest truth is, I have mixed feelings about Morning Musume’s…

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  • Administrivia: I am a Friggin’ Moron

    So I have had this blog up for pert near four years by now. It’s at least as old as 2018. And in this entire time, the contact form has been misconfigured. Oh, I configured it. I did that. But I forgot to hit the “update” button. So… yeah. It never worked. When I move…

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  • Why I Hate the Mall

    My birthday is coming up. It’s sometime within the next few days. I’ll be forty-mumble-mumble years old. I was never raised with a birthday tradition, so I never ask for or expect presents. Instead, I buy myself something I might like. So today, for I think the first time since the pandemic started, I went…

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  • Silly Japanese Dream

    Last night I had a dream about Japanese. I was sitting across from a bunch of idols. Don’t ask how it happened, it was a dream, dreams don’t have to make any sense at all. I didn’t think any of them spoke English, and my (now dead) father was sitting next to me. I was…

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  • My Most Embarrassing Japanese Mistake

    So ready for a laugh at my expense? Here ya go. Back when I was first starting to learn Japanese, I was trying to find all of the Japanese stuff I could. I found a World Market at the local mall, and they had a litle stuffed toy – it was a hamster holding a…

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  • Lamentations

    Please pardon me a post that’s a little more political than I usually make on this blog. As with my Christian posts, I don’t proselytize, I try to see things as objectively as I can, but sometimes things just have to be said, and at least for right now, this is as good a place…

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  • My Continuing Jpop Journey

    So tonight, being a depressed mess, I decided to add a couple of more reviews to my site. This time I reviewed two of Morning Musume’s early songs, “summer night town” and “daite hold on me”. I’ll be honest, they didn’t do much to help my depression. Oh, don’t get me wrong. The videos are…

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