American Gaijin

  • I Refuse to Let it End like This

    Or… “How ‘Bocchi the Rock’ changed my life”. There’s a meme going around the net, or at least there had been a while ago when this anime first came out, that said “She’s just like me fr fr”. (fr is “for real”.) Gotoh Hitori (Bocchi) is not just like me.  Fr or in any other…

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  • Eufo ga suki da mon

    Or… “How Sound! Euphonium changed my life”. I was looking back on some old posts on this blog yesterday, and I encountered one with a comment thread (something that never happens anymore, I wonder why… and I don’t at the same time).  In that thread, the commenter (someone named iSmarty) made some mostly accurate commentary…

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  • Fact Don’t Care About Your Feelings – But People Should.

    I’ve never liked Ben Shapiro. It’s not because he’s of a particular ethnic persuasion.  I honestly don’t care about that, at all.  I don’t think badly of people for that, but I don’t think highly of them either.  It’s just a fact of birth. It’s not because he’s smart.  I mean, I’m probably just as…

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  • Artists Don’t Think

    How’s that for a clickbaity headline?  Well, it’s a general statement, but I think it’s defensible, and I’m going to try to do so, here. I related the story here, a couple of times, how my highly educated, doctorate degree, former piano teacher in college couldn’t understand how the escapement mechanism of a piano utterly precludes…

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  • Making Sense of the Past

    I took my first piano lesson in twenty years.  In that lesson, I relayed to her a story I might have mentioned here.  How there was a masterclass in my college thirty years ago, I went up on stage, and played just a few bars of a Mozart sonata.  She stopped me, said “you have…

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  • Gaijin Buying Kotatsu

    I don’t know if this makes me an appreciator of Japanese culture, a weeb, or just someone who wastes money.  Maybe any combination of the above, or all three. But I bought a kotatsu. (It’s a little messy, I just put it together. I’ll post another pic when it’s fully integrated into my house.  All…

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  • Why degrees don’t matter.

    When I was a college student, I was a piano performance major, and one of my classes was piano, of course.  I was studying under a guy with a doctorate who styled himself a “doctor”, who had graduated from Juilliard, and was somewhat celebrated in his field.  Of course, he was a professor at a…

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  • Transcending Failure

    I have failed at almost everything in my life.  Even the things I’ve succeeded at, I mostly consider a failure. When I was a child, growing up in a cult, I was a very driven, and extremely intelligent, person.  Even at seven or eight years old I had it in mind that I wanted to…

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  • Back in the dating pool – and maybe drowning in it

    Lately, after a little over twelve years, I’ve been thinking of getting back into dating.  My reasons for that are somewhat personal and I won’t outline them here, but let’s just say that I think it may be time and I think I may be ready for that. And I may not, but only one…

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  • Reproductive Roles Matter

    I’ve been thinking about how I want to approach this topic for a while. Let’s be honest, there be dragons.  People tend to have very strong opinions on this matter and are usually very quick to, well, share them.  Vociferously, loudly, and ignorantly. But I’m going to say what I want anyway, because that’s what…

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