
Today I got the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I had to drive about an hour to get it, as the distribution in my country is still a bit scattershot. They’re getting it to everyone, but the distribution network seems hit or miss – some places get some doses, some don’t, etc., etc. Not really germane, but might be interesting to some of you.

I have personally been looking forward to this for a while. While I am not at the absolute highest “you get it, you die”, risk like some people I know, I have enough comorbidities that I was genuinely concerned, and I have been spending the last year isolating a lot more than I’ve been comfortable with – and I’m a loner and like to isolate. I haven’t been going places I like to go, like Kinokuniya, Kura Sushi, and now Daiso. My pocketbook never thanks me when I go to these places, but it can be fun and nice to do every now and then. Now I feel much more comfortable doing these things than I used to. And will even more in two weeks when full immunity has developed.

I did not get the vaccine because someone told me to or guilted me into it. I read up on it, studied the upsides and downsides, and decided that, for my health, it was the best thing for me to do. So I did it.

However, some folks have decided, for whatever reason, that they are not comfortable getting the vaccine, and have chosen not to. I consider that them making the best decision they can for their health, and I don’t judge them for it. Are they making the best decision for their health? Maybe not. But it’s not my health they’re putting at risk, so I just kind of say “whatever” and let them do them.

In fact, I generally feel that way about all vaccines. I, personally, don’t mind getting them. I also don’t mind when others choose not to. Individual liberty means just that – and if they might make a choice that could increase their risk of getting sick or dying, well, they just might get sick or die. I’m not their nanny, no skin off my nose. And I really don’t like the attitude of those who police each others’ morality.

Now, on the other side of the coin, I don’t have any strong objection to “vaccine passports”, either. Companies and individuals have freedom of association, and if they do not wish to put people at risk from people who make that choice for themselves, then that’s their right. Freedoms come with both responsibilities and sometimes consequences, so maybe the consequence of exercising your freedom to not be vaccinated is to be restricted to essential activities. I think that’s reasonable – if treated as a public health issue and not a punishment. I am not a strong proponent, either, but I wouldn’t kick too much if I saw that being implemented in an equal and reasonable manner.

Of course, no one does equal and reasonable anymore (they do “equity” instead, and that’s the most boneheaded thing ever), so I reserve the right to change that opinion based upon implementation details.

Anyway, I am personally glad to get the vaccine, I encourage anyone who hasn’t to go do it, but I won’t judge you if you don’t. If you’re treated a bit differently than those who have taken that step, don’t complain too loud. You exercised your freedom of choice. Now others will exercise theirs.

To your continued health, regardless.

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