Bell County Comic Con

So… apparently Bell County has a comic con.

Bell County is not a large county. I’m actually a little surprised by how active the “comic” community is here, even if it’s not nearly as active as it is in some of the bigger cities.

I’m debating going. At the moment, I’m leaning towards “no”.

I like anime, I actually do… well, sometimes, at least. But the thing is, I don’t like the American translations of anime. I have a somewhat large collection of Japanese language manga, I watch with subtitles (and sometimes without), and… I have no interest whatsoever in American comics. Not even a little. Marvel, DC, etc… less than zero interest. I also have no interest whatsoever in American translations or interpretations of Japanese comics (anime/manga).

I also have zero interest in cosplay. I (and this is my personal opinion, so it’s not a judgement on you, but conversely I’m also not interested in defending it) consider it a colossal waste of money and time. What’s the point?

So… why would I go?

I can only think of one reason, and that’s to meet (very loosely) like-minded people.

And that’s a really weak reason.

But, it’s in two months. I may change my mind between now and then. If I show up, I’ll probably just wander around, see if there are any anime figures I’m interested in, and then skedaddle.

And I may be better off just going to the local anime store – of which I just found there actually is one.

Maybe I need to broaden my mind just a little tiny bit if I’m going to meet interesting local people… but maybe I don’t want to. I haven’t decided yet.

Oh well. We’ll see how it turns out. If I go I’ll post a review. It’ll be honest. And maybe that, in itself, makes it a bad idea.

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